From our editor: Here comes the sun!

Spring is in the air and it’s not only the icy days of winter that we’re leaving behind us. We are also emerging from two years of isolation, sadness, and often despair. Once more we have the freedom to rejoice in the longer, warmer days and in the tender unfolding of green leaves and delicate blossoms.

Picture by Bruce Tuck

I find much comfort in the natural rhythm of the changing seasons. No matter how tough the winter was, the first blooms of spring always bring the promise of new beginnings. More than ever, I will be out in the free air this spring, breathing in deeply the fragrances of awakening life, travelling, exploring and reaching for new horizons.

For that once-in-a-lifetime experience, few can beat the exhilarating sight of vast herds of blue wildebeest moving from the grazing lands in Tanzania to Kenya’s Masai Mara along ancient migratory pathways. This is one of the marvels you can enjoy from the luxury of Singita’s 15 splendid lodges and camps in four African countries. Richard Holmes shares the spirit of the Singita indulgence with us on p. 118.

Closer to home, Jacques Marais finds renewed joy for mind and body through his connection with nature on the mountain peaks abutting Stellenbosch. There, pounding the spectacular off-road trails, he realises once more what it means to find your soul amid the fynbos in that elusive unity of physical alertness and spiritual calm. Jacques takes a look at some of our world-class trails on p. 104.

Not one for extreme revels? Then contemplate the mountain peaks from the tranquillity of the moss garden on Tokara Wine Estate (p. 109). This exquisite garden has been taking shape amid rocks and mountain streams – a Japanese-inspired vision of the South African landscape.

Ingewydes weet van nog ’n plek waar jy altyd van pieke-ervarings verseker kan wees: die Rupert Museum op die dorp. Uitstallings soos die jongste Masters in Conversation van vier meesterlike beeldhouers slaan eenvoudig die asem weg. En jy het skaars weer jou asem terug, of die permanente uitstallings slaan jou voete onder jou uit. Gelukkig kan jy tot verhaal kom in die oulike Museum Café wat oopmaak op ’n fraai binnehof. Willem Pretorius deel sy ervarings met jou op bl. 80.

In Oktober, die mooiste, mooiste maand, is Stellenbosch ekstra fleurig met sy “Garden Town” van 20 tot 30 Oktober, tien dae van tuine, praatjies, werkswinkels en inspirasie. Maar moenie wag nie. Jy kan nou reeds die lente in jou glas skink en die nuwe ontwaking van lewe vier met Stellenbosch se oudste wynkultivar, Chenin Blanc. In ’n spesiale seksie in hierdie uitgawe van Stellenbosch Visio bied Emile Joubert en Malu Lambert ’n oorsig van dié geliefde wynkultivar, vertel van besoeke aan ’n paar wynplase en deel met ons die ryk geskiedenis van hierdie veelsydige druifsoort, een wat reeds in die buiteland talle deure vir Suid Afrika oopgemaak het.






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