Telling stories that capture the spirit of people and places is a passion for Tip Africa Publishing, the team behind Stellenbosch Visio. MAGRIET KRUGER shares her picks.

Kanonkop: The Making of a Legend
Where else in the world would you find a wine estate that rubs shoulders with Château Mouton Rothschild yet celebrates new releases with a snoek braai? A place that has had a Springbok rugby player and the Prince of Pinotage in the cellar and is the first South African wine to earn a perfect score from Master of Wine Tim Atkin? In his engaging story of this family farm, wine writer Emile Joubert reveals the characters and visionaries who have made Kanonkop one of the big guns.
R500. Click here to order.

Hazendal 320
Among the Winelands’ grand and historic estates, Hazendal stands out for its singular fusion of South African and Russian heritage. Fancy enjoying an authentic Russian tea ceremony? At Hazendal you can do so in an elegant Cape Dutch setting. Known for its fine wines, the estate today also produces vodka from grapes and offers visitors a wealth of culinary, cultural and outdoor experiences, as demonstrated in this richly illustrated book.
R950. Click here to order.

Dine with Locals
Get to know the people of Stellenbosch around the dinner table as you explore isiXhosa, Cape Malay, Khoikhoin and Cape Dutch heritage. The Dine with Locals initiative empowers residents to host visitors for meals that weave together culinary and cultural traditions. Between these pages you will meet some of the local hosts and discover stories, pictures and recipes that feed body and soul.
R100. Click here to order.

Hoër Jongenskool Paarl 150
Die Wynland is ongetwyfeld goeie teelaarde vir tradisieryke seunskole. In die Paarl vier Boishaai een-en-’n-halwe eeu se bestaan. Dié boek betoon eer aan die skool en oudleerders se prestasies, maar nog belangriker is die insig wat dit in die gees van die instelling bied. Deur middel van staaltjies, verslae, argief- en kleurfoto’s word die storie van die skool vertel deur die mense wat dit die beste ken. Shimalaya wah!
R500. Kliek hier en bestel.

Paul Roos Gimnasium 150
Die Maroen Masjien is Stellenbosch se trots, ’n skool wat oor 150 jaar merkwaardige manne opgelewer het, van eerste ministers tot baanbrekers, van sporthelde tot groot geeste. Paul Roos Gimnasium is ’n skool met ’n ryk tradisie, maar gerigtheid op die toekoms. In foto’s en vertellings word die dinamiek tussen onderwysers en leerders vasgevang, en die boek is ’n kleinood vir elke Paul Rooser, of hy nou jare of dekades gelede op die skoolbanke was.
R750 (hardebandeksemplare), R3,500 (leergebinde eksemplare in beperkte oplaag). Afleweringskoste ingesluit.

Kuns: Die Bloemhofversameling
Toe die skoolhoof, mej. CCG van der Walt, in 1939 die eerste skildery vir die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof aangeskaf het, was dit die begin van ’n merkwaardige kunsversameling. Oor die dekades heen het die kunswerke aangegroei en 67 werke word in die glansblaaie van dié boek vervat. Die afbeeldings word aangevul deur profiele van die vernaamste kunstenaars, insluitend die drie oud-Bloemhoffers wat by die Venesiese Biënnale uitgestal het.
R300. Kliek hier en bestel.

A Century to Celebrate
Over a hundred years ago, as the world was reeling from the Great War, a remarkable company was founded in Cape Town. As the businessmen formulated their plans in the Royal Hotel on that day in 1917, they had one goal: to help build a future for the people of South Africa. This book tells the story of how Sanlam grew from a small, homegrown insurance company into a multinational financial services firm.
R130. Click here to order.

Waaraan ek dink as ek terugdink
Piet Beyers se boek van visvangherinneringe is saamgestel uit dagboekinskrywings, briewe, gedigte, staaltjies en stories van familie en vriende. Dit vertel hoe ’n seun ’n visserman geword het en Beyers skryf oor wat visvang hom steeds dekades later leer. Die boek bevat ’n magdom foto’s sowel as illustrasies deur Stellenbosch Visio se redakteur, Francé, getroud met Piet Beyers. Deels memoires, deels reisverslag, is dié publikasie geheel en al onvergeetlik.
R450. Kliek hier en bestel.

South Africa’s Wildest Places
Photojournalist Scott Ramsay’s book is a vibrant celebration of the landscapes, wildlife and people that make our country’s parks great. Yes, you’ll find Addo’s elephants here among the pages, as well as the Kgalagadi’s magnificent black-maned lions, but Scott’s lens also picks out unexpected treasures: flowers in the desert, a secluded swimming hole, patterns and textures. It’s a visual feast and a powerful reminder that we live in a land of heart-stopping beauty.
R895. Click here to order.
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